Not sure how it is already April...I have written nearly everyday, to bad neither pen meets paper nor fingers meet keyboard. I have found my best thinking and writing happen while running kids back and forth to school; maybe I need a tape-recorder, hmmm?! I'm hoping with spring and the many opportunities it gives for reflections that I can flit in here more often to record the "moments" that make this adventure so grand...
Anyway, I'm going to back up for a moment, we welcomed Mathilde Grace into our family on January 30th!
1st picture with Mathilde moments after her birth |
Her delivery was smooth and easy except well she tried to stall her arrival for a bit...I wonder how this fact will show in her personality. Each of the kids personality very much reflect their pregnancy, labor and delivery. Sofia is always eager and ready to live but hesitant when you'd think she'd jump; always active in utero, arrived at barely 37 weeks but not ready to uncurl or sleep anywhere but safely snuggled in her carseat. Isobel was active in utero but then induced at 38 weeks in a quick and easy delivery but she was always awkward to swaddle and cuddle; she is cautious and observant about EVERYTHING before she decides what to do, she loves to be cuddled but usually won't accept it until she is distraught about something. Eloise came fast and furious at 37.5 weeks, we barely made it to the hospital despite Mark racing at 85mph to get us there, I was 10cm and she arrived with 45 minutes and she hasn't slowed in anyway since; she is sharp as a tack and her personality is warm and fearless. Finn was a peaceful pregnancy and required much patience as we waited until 39 weeks to meet him, but when it was time he too arrived very quickly; he is FEARLESS but quiet and easy-going and trouble seems to find him and he still requires a lot of patience. Mathilde so far is sweet and cuddly and loves to sleep. Not one the same but each a gift and blessing to our family.
Happy Mathilde |
I've observed something recently... When I was pregnant with each of my babies there were warnings of things to fear with each addition and a sense of judgement and feeling judged by strangers of my brood. But after the arrival of each, I've left any care of judgement behind as my blessing are simply that a blessing to us and the world. And I am tickled to claim them ("yes ALL five are mine" and "yes we know where they came from") and watch the reactions of others...from encouraging words to rolled eyes...each gives me a moments pause to reflect.
FIVE :) |
On to current events...this week is both Holy Week and spring break :) The perfect opportunity to slow down and focus. I hope to be back tomorrow with the pics and stories of this week...pirates, bugs, and ____ oh my!
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