Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Almost done...

Well, I did it!  The pantry is done (except to determine spice storage)!  And I love it!  And it has a lock :)

I can't find the before picture...but the before was BAD!

The sorting.

 And after!  Just don't focus on the lower right shelf (the ugly box is spices).  And I'm so happy with results.

A Happy Pantry!
This week we are working on summer schedules and planning and registering for activities.  Sorting through Vacation Bible school weeks, soccer camps, swim lessons and trying to find a balance and calendar that gives us LOTS of free time to play and explore, but also provides the structure and learning these guys love.

Tears have already started welling as we wind down the school year.  Isobel graduates from Pre-K Thursday night.  How is she this big?  Wasn't it yesterday that we found out we were pregnant with her?  She has grown so much this year and her teachers have been such a blessing.  She has learned SO  much academically, but more importantly personally.  She is growing into a fabulous young girl with more confidence and excitement than we have ever seen.

Sofia is nearing the end of 1st grade.  She couldn't hardly read in September and is now reading chapter books!!!  She loves all things science and nature and dinosaurs.  I'm excited to have her home this summer.  She will challenge me in all regards and together we'll make it through!  I look forward to everything we'll learn together, but am at a loss as to where to start gathering materials to keep her active mind busy and out of trouble. 
Her creature she created in art!
So excited to show Daddy her work!
I'm looking forward to sharing Isobel and all her beauty tomorrow!

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