The last 18 months have been a blur of job changes and moving and upending everything. The last 18 hours have been the start of our new beginning. The Roanoke house is empty (ginormous sigh of relief)!!! And we are freed to move forward, to decide our direction and just be. We still have A LOT of purging of "stuff"...the physical kind that has somehow overtaken and for one reason or another made this move with us. Mark and I are both looking forward to this purge, the opportunity to let go of the physical baggage and create a better existence for us and the kids to grow in. I'm hoping one that requires less sorting and organizing and way more playing and exploring. We are both "we might need that one day" types so this is going to be a huge undertaking and I fear painful at times. But we have the motivation toward creating more time and adventures with these little people. There are always going to be things and events in the way of peace and time, but we are seeing a huge opportunity to make it easier to have both peace and time!
It is Monday and Monday's are for motivating...we will again renew our efforts in the dreaded master bedroom (still aiming for completion by next Tuesday) and maybe plan a fun outing or trip as we unpack, post things to ebay, freecycle and craig's list and find the joy in less stuff, for more us!!!
That is our master bedroom! I hope it makes you feel better about a space in your house! And now you know so I MUST prove that this is not us and go clean it and organize and make stuff leave this house...say a prayer as we enter...
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