Friday, November 12, 2010

It's been a week...

We have spent much of the week bustling around getting ready for the big day tomorrow...Sofia is turning 6 with a The Little Mermaid themed birthday party!!!  When and how she got this big is beyond me, let alone how it happened so fast.  But we'll come back to Fia later, this week started with the annual time change and "gaining an hour of sleep" and welcoming a new member to our family. 

On the getting extra no...that was for the Mark and Kim before children.  This year daylight savings time ended with Finn welcoming the new time/day at 5:30a with a miserable belly ache and cold.  And so far we have still not adjusted and I'm NOT a big fan of morning, let alone seeing at least one child by 6:30 every morning this week!   But on the upside Finn did sleep through the night in HIS bed Wednesday night :)

Our new family member?!  Yes, what on this earth could they possibly be thinking!  But he's so cute and he needed a home and well we (Mark) has a soft spot for furry creatures.  HE is currently named Diesel and is a 14lb Terrier/Chihuahua and NOT a puppy.  He is 5y.o. and house trained and crate trained and does not require a leash or fence to (mostly) listen.  He is my kind of pup :)  He LOVES the kids but his favorite by far is Mark and a distant second would be Finn, we have a guys guy.

Oh, but then came Monday morning!  Time changes mean clocks change and well apparently so do bus 1 minute early was bus #189 and out the door Fia and I raced with the dogs (Cera and Diesel) on our heels.  Well, up on the bus went Fia and then up on the bus went Diesel...aghhh!  First thing Sofia says when she gets off the bus in the afternoon "that dog made me have a bad day!".  Apparently by 8:40a her water bottle spilled all over her and she had to change at the nurses office.  Happy Monday!

The week did get better and we will end on the happiest note of our baby is turning 6!!!!  Be back soon with pics and more...

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