Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome Summer!

Great-Grandma Hassett, Pop and all TEN (great) grandbabies

Summer is associated with freedom, relaxing and boredom!  I'm accepting though that as the kids get older my summers are filled  with schedules, constant effort to avoid injuries, and grasping for relaxation.  But with the schedules and routine, comes the relaxation and freedom knowing the kiddos are having fun and enjoying being little.  I hope they will look back and remember summers of play and nothing-ness and adventures. 

Summer 2011 was kicked off with Jessica's graduation picnic in Maryland on Sunday and a quiet afternoon at Todd Lake on Memorial Day.

We had a wonderful time at the graduation party.  Visiting with our extended Hassett family.  The kids played and played and played until they could play no more :)  Great-grandma brought bubbles and Uncle Kevin and Aunt Reenie had balls and bats and room for them to run.

On Memorial Day, we met Joe and his family at Todd Lake to spend the afternoon playing in the COLD water and sand!  Everyone had a wonderful time.  The lake is in the middle of no where so it was not crowded.  And the kids were asking if we could go back before we even left :)  And of course, both camera batteries died within the first hour :(

Mathilde rolled over for the first time while laying on the beach blanket on her 4 month birthday!
Mathilde's 1st trip to the Lake/Beach

Isobel was so excited and eager to swim!!!
Finn was not so convinced this was a good idea!
It's COLD!

"There's a hole in my bucket!"


Floaties on...

Joey in...
And gone!
All and all a GREAT weekend!!!!  Looking forward to a busy summer full of fun and great memories and lots of pictures :) 

P.S. If you are reading this and know how to move and set pictures better PLEASE let me know!!!!

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